
User Roles

A user role determines the web console menu items accessible to a user. A role is assigned a permission for each menu item.

Menu Item Permissions

Permissions determine the level of access to each menu item. The permission for a menu item can either be:

Menu Item Types

There are 3 types of menu items in OfficeScan.

Menu Item Types



Menu Items for Servers/Clients

  • Server settings, tasks, and data

  • Global client settings, tasks, and data

For a complete list of available menu items, see Menu Items for Servers and Clients.

Menu items for managed domains

Granular client settings, tasks, and data that are available outside the client tree

For a complete list of available menu items, see Menu Items for Managed Domains.

Client management menu items

Granular client settings, tasks, and data that are available in the client tree

For a complete list of available menu items, see Client Management Menu Items.

Menu Items for Servers and Clients

The following table lists the menu items for servers/clients:

Menu Items for Servers/Clients

Main Menu Item


Scan Now for All Domains

  • Only those using built-in administrator roles can access this feature.


Networked Computers

  • Client Management

  • Client Grouping

  • Global Client Settings

  • Computer Location

  • Digital Asset Control

  • Definitions

  • Templates

  • Connection Verification

  • Outbreak Prevention

Smart Protection

  • Smart Protection Sources

  • Integrated Server

  • Smart Feedback


  • Server

  • Scheduled Update

  • Manual Update

  • Update Source

  • Networked Computers

  • Automatic Update

  • Update Source

  • Rollback


  • Networked Computer Logs

  • Security Risks

  • Component Update

  • Server Update Logs

  • System Event Logs

  • Log Maintenance

Cisco NAC

  • Policy Servers

  • Agent Management

  • Agent Deployment

  • Client Certificate


  • Administrator Notifications

  • General Settings

  • Outbreak Notifications

  • Client User Notifications


  • User Accounts

  • User Roles

  • Only users using the built-in administrator account can access User Accounts and Roles.

  • Active Directory

  • Active Directory Integration

  • Scheduled Synchronization

  • Proxy Settings

  • Connection Settings

  • Inactive Clients

  • Quarantine Manager

  • Product License

  • Control Manager Settings

  • Web Console Settings

  • Database Backup


  • Administrative Tools

  • Client Tools

Plug-in Manager

  • Only users using the built-in administrator account can access this feature.


Menu Items for Managed Domains

The following table lists the menu items for managed domains:

Menu Items for Managed Domains

Main Menu Item



  • Any user can access this page, regardless of permission.


Security Compliance

  • Compliance Assessment

  • Compliance Report

  • Scheduled Compliance Report

  • Outside Server Management

Networked Computers

  • Firewall

  • Policies

  • Profiles

  • Client Installation

  • Browser Based

  • Remote


  • Summary

  • Networked Computers

  • Manual Update


  • Networked Computer Logs

  • Connection Verification

  • Spyware/Grayware Restore


  • Administrator Notifications

  • Standard Notifications

Client Management Menu Items

The following table lists the client management menu items:

Client Management Menu Items

Main Menu Item





  • Scan Now

  • Client Uninstallation

  • Spyware/Grayware Restore


  • Scan Settings

  • Scan Methods

  • Manual Scan Settings

  • Real-time Scan Settings

  • Scheduled Scan Settings

  • Scan Now Settings

  • Web Reputation Settings

  • Behavior Monitoring Settings

  • Device Control Settings

  • Digital Asset Control Settings

  • Update Agent Settings

  • Privileges and Other Settings

  • Additional Service Settings

  • Spyware/Grayware Approved List

  • Export Settings

  • Import Settings


  • Virus/Malware Logs

  • Spyware/Grayware Logs

  • Firewall Logs

  • Web Reputation Logs

  • Behavior Monitoring Logs

  • Device Control Logs

  • Digital Asset Control Logs

  • Delete Logs

Manage Client Tree

  • Add Domain

  • Rename Domain

  • Move Client

  • Sort Client

  • Remove Domain/Client



Built-in User Roles

OfficeScan comes with a set of built-in user roles that you cannot modify or delete. The built-in roles are as follows:

Built-in User Roles

Role Name



Delegate this role to other OfficeScan administrators or users with sufficient knowledge of OfficeScan.

Users with this role have "Configure" permission to all menu items.

Guest User

Delegate this role to users who want to view the web console for reference purposes.

  • Users with this role have no access to the following menu items:

  • Scan Now for All Domains

  • Plug-in Manager

  • Administration > User Roles

  • Administration > User Accounts

  • Users have "View" permission to all other menu items.

Trend Power User

This role is only available if you upgrade from OfficeScan 10.

This role inherits the permissions of the "Power User" role in OfficeScan 10. Users with this role have "Configure" permission to all client tree domains but will have no access to the new features in this release.

Custom Roles

You can create custom roles if none of the built-in roles meet your requirement.

Only users with the built-in administrator role and those using the root account created during OfficeScan installation can create custom user roles and assign these roles to user accounts.

  1. Click Add. If the role you want to create has similar settings with an existing role, select the existing role and click Copy. A new screen appears.

  2. Type a name for the role and optionally provide a description.

  3. Define the client tree scope.

    1. Click Define Client Tree Scope. A new screen opens.

    2. Select the root domain icon , or one or several domains in the client tree.

    3. Click Save.

    Only the domains have been defined at this point. The level of access to the selected domains will be defined in step 6 and step 7.

  4. Click the Global Menu Items tab.

  5. Click Menu Items for Servers/Clients and specify the permission for each available menu item. For a list of available menu items, see Menu Items for Servers and Clients.

  6. The client tree scope you configured in step 3 determines the level of permission to the menu items and defines the targets for the permission. The client tree scope can either be the root domain (all clients) or specific client tree domains.

    Menu Items for Server/Clients and Client Tree Scope


    Client Tree Scope


    Root Domain

    Specific Domains

    Menu item permission

    Configure, View, or No Access

    View or No Access


    OfficeScan server and all clients

    For example, if you grant a role "Configure" permission to all menu items for servers/clients, the user can:

    • Manage server settings, tasks, and data

    • Deploy global client settings

    • Initiate global client tasks

    • Manage global client data

    OfficeScan server and all clients

    For example, if you grant a role "Configure" permission to all menu items for servers/clients, the user can:

    • View server settings, tasks, and data

    • View global client settings, tasks, and data

  7. Click Menu items for managed domains and specify the permission for each available menu item. For a list of available menu items, see Menu Items for Managed Domains.

  8. The client tree scope you configured in step 3 determines the level of permission to the menu items and defines the targets for the permission. The client tree scope can either be the root domain (all clients) or specific client tree domains.

    Menu Items for Managed Domains


    Client Tree Scope


    Root Domain

    Specific Domains

    Menu item permission

    Configure, View, or No Access

    Configure, View, or No Access


    All or specific clients


    • If a user deployed firewall policies, the policies will be deployed to all clients.

    • The user can initiate manual client update on all or specific clients.

    • A compliance report can include all or specific clients.

    Clients in the selected domains


    • If a user deployed firewall policies, the policies will only be deployed to clients in the selected domains.

    • The user can initiate manual client update only on clients in the selected domains.

    • A compliance report only includes clients in the selected domains.

  9. Click the Client Management Menu Items tab and then specify the permission for each available menu item. For a list of available menu items, see Client Management Menu Items.

  10. The client tree scope you configured in step 3 determines the level of permission to the menu items and defines the targets for the permission. The client tree scope can either be the root domain (all clients) or specific client tree domains.

    Client Management Menu Items


    Client Tree Scope


    Root Domain

    Specific Domains

    Menu item permission

    Configure, View, or No Access

    Configure, View, or No Access


    Root domain (all clients) or specific domains

    For example, you can grant a role "Configure" permission to the "Tasks" menu item in the client tree. If the target is the root domain, the user can initiate the tasks on all clients. If the targets are Domains A and B, the tasks can only be initiated on clients in Domains A and B.

    Only the selected domains

    For example, you can grant a role "Configure" permission to the "Settings" menu item in the client tree. This means that the user can deploy the settings but only to the clients in the selected domains.

    The client tree will only display if the permission to the "Client Management" menu item in "Menu Items for Servers/Clients" is "View".

  11. Click Save. The new role displays on the User Roles list.

  1. Click the role name. A new screen appears.

  2. Modify any of the following:

  3. Click Save.

  1. Select the check box next to the role.

  2. Click Delete.

  1. To export custom roles to a .dat file:

    1. Select the roles and click Export.

    2. Save the.dat file. If you are managing another OfficeScan server, use the .dat file to import custom roles to that server.

  2. To export custom roles to a .csv file:

    1. Select the roles and click Export Role Settings.

    2. Save the .csv file. Use this file to check the information and permissions for the selected roles.

  3. If you have saved custom roles from a different OfficeScan server and want to import those roles into the current OfficeScan server, click Import and locate the .dat file containing the custom roles.

See also: