
Mail Scan Privileges and Other Settings

When clients have the mail scan privileges, the Mail Scan tab displays on the client console. The Mail Scan tab shows two mail scan programs - Outlook mail scan and POP3 mail scan.


Mail Scan tab on the client console

The following table describes the Outlook mail scan and POP3 mail scan programs.

Mail Scan Programs


Outlook Mail Scan

POP3 MAil Scan


Scans Microsoft Outlook email messages for viruses/malware

Scans POP3 email messages for viruses/malware


Must be installed by users from the client console before they can use it

Scan types supported

Manual Scan

Scanning only occurs when users click Scan Now from the Mail Scan tab on the client console.

Real-time Scan

Scanning is done as email messages are retrieved from the POP3 mail server.

Scan results

  • Information about detected security risks available after scanning is complete

  • Scan results not logged on the client console’s Logs screen

  • Scan results not sent to the server

  • Information about detected security risks available after scanning is complete

  • Scan results not logged on the client console’s Logs screen

  • Scan results not sent to the server

Other details


Shares the OfficeScan NT Proxy Service (TMProxy.exe) with the web reputation feature

  1. In the client tree, click the root domain icon to include all clients or select specific domains or clients.

  2. Click Settings > Privileges and Other Settings.

  3. On the Privileges tab, go to the Mail Scan Privileges section.

  4. Select Display the Mail Scan tab on the client console.

  5. Click the Other Settings tab and go to the POP3 Email Scan Settings section.

  6. Select Scan POP3 email.

  7. If you selected domain(s) or client(s) in the client tree, click Save. If you clicked the root domain icon, choose from the following options:

See also: