
Troubleshooting Plug-in Manager

Check the OfficeScan server and client debug logs for Plug-in Manager and plug-in program debug information.

Plug-in Program Does not Display on the Plug-in Manager Console

A plug-in program available for download and installation may not display on the Plug-in Manager console for the following reasons:

  1. Plug-in Manager is still downloading the plug-in program, which may take some time if the program package size is large. Check the screen from time to time to see if the plug-in program displays.

  2. The server computer cannot connect to the Internet. If the server computer connects to the Internet through a proxy server, ensure that Internet connection can be established using the proxy settings.

  3. The OfficeScan update source is not the ActiveUpdate server. On the OfficeScan web console, go to Updates > Server > Update Source and check the update source. If the update source is not the ActiveUpdate server, you have the following options:

Client-side Agent Installation and Display Issues

Installation of a plug-in program’s client-side agent may fail or the agent may not display in the OfficeScan client console for the following reasons:

  1. Client Plug-in Manager (CNTAosMgr.exe) is not running. In the client computer, open Windows Task Manager and run the CNTAosMgr.exe process.

  2. The installation package for the client-side agent was not downloaded to the client computer folder located in <OfficeScan Client Installation Folder>\AU_Data\AU_Temp\{xxx}AU_Down\Product. Check Tmudump.txt located in \AU_Data\AU_Log\ for the download failure reasons.

  3. The agent installation was unsuccessful or requires further action. You can check the installation status from the plug-in program’s management console and perform actions such as restarting the client computer after installation or installing required operating system patches before installation.

The Apache Web Server Version is not Supported

Plug-in Manager handles some of the web requests using Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI). ISAPI is not compatible with Apache web server versions 2.0.56 to 2.0.59 and versions 2.2.3 to 2.2.4.

If your Apache web server runs any of the incompatible versions, you can replace it with version. 2.0.63, which is the version that OfficeScan and Plug-in Manager are using. This version is also compatible with ISAPI.

To replace an incompatible Apache web server version with version 2.0.63:

  1. Upgrade the OfficeScan server to the current version.

  2. Back up the following files on the Apache2 folder on <OfficeScan Server Installation Folder>:

  3. Uninstall the incompatible Apache web server version from the Add/Remove Programs screen.

  4. Install Apache web server 2.0.63.

    1. Launch apache.msi from <OfficeScan Server Installation Folder>\Admin\Utility\Apache.

    2. In the Server Information screen, type the required information.

    3. In the Destination Folder screen, change the destination folder by clicking Change and browsing to <OfficeScan Server Installation Folder>.

    4. Complete the installation.

  5. Copy the backup files back to the Apache2 folder.

  6. Restart the Apache web server service.

A Client-side Agent Cannot be Launched if the Automatic Configuration Script Setting on Internet Explorer Redirects to a Proxy Server

Client Plug-in Manager (CNTAosMgr.exe) is unable to launch a client-side agent because the agent launch command redirects to a proxy server. This problem only occurs if the proxy setting redirects the user's HTTP traffic to

To resolve this issue, use a well-defined proxy server policy. For example, do not reroute HTTP traffic to

If you need to use the proxy configuration that controls the HTTP requests, do the following:

  1. Configure OfficeScan firewall settings on the OfficeScan web console.

    1. On the web console, go to Networked Computers > Firewall > Policies and click Edit Exception Template.

    2. On the Edit Exception Template screen, click Add.

    3. Enter the following information:

    4. Click Save.

    5. Back on the Edit Exception Template screen, click Save and Apply to Existing Policies.

    6. Go to Networked Computers > Firewall > Profiles and click Assign Profile to Clients.

    If there is no firewall profile, create one by clicking Add. Use the following settings:

    After saving the new profile, click Assign Profile to Clients.

  2. Modify the ofcscan.ini file.

    1. Open the ofcscan.ini file in <OfficeScan Server Installation Folder> using a text editor.

    2. Search for [Global Setting] and add FWPortNum=21212 to the next line. Change "21212" to the port number you specified in step c above.

    3. For example:

      [Global Setting]


    4. Save the file.

  3. On the web console, go to Networked Computers > Global Client Settings and click Save.

An Error in the System, Update Module, or Plug-in Manager Program occurred and the Error Message Provides a Certain Error Code

Plug-in Manager displays any of the following error codes in an error message. If you are unable to troubleshoot a problem after referring to the solutions provided in the table below, please contact your support provider.

Plug-in Manager Error Codes

Error Code

Message, Cause, and Solution


An error in the Plug-in Manager program occurred.

The Plug-in Manager update module does not respond when querying the progress of an update task. The module or command handler may not have been not initialized.

Restart the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager service and perform the task again.


A system error occurred.

The Plug-in Manager update module is unable to open the registry key SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan\service\AoS because it may have been deleted.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan\
    . Reset the value to 1.0.1000.

  2. Restart the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager service.

  3. Download/Uninstall the plug-in program.


An update error occurred.

Possible causes:

A. Plug-in Manager update module was unable to download a plug-in program. Verify that the network connection is functional, and then try again.

B. Plug-in Manager update module cannot install the plug-in program because the AU patch agent has returned an error. The AU patch agent is the program that launches installation of new plug-in programs. For the exact cause of the error, check the ActiveUpdate module debug log "TmuDump.txt" in \PCCSRV\Web\Service\AU_Data\AU_Log.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan\
    . Reset the value to 1.0.1000.

  2. Delete the plug-in program registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan\

  3. Restart the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager service.

  4. Download and install the plug-in program.


A system error occurred.

Plug-in Manager update module cannot process an incoming operation because it is currently handling another operation.

Perform the task at a later time.


An error in the Plug-in Manager program occurred.

The Plug-in Manager program cannot handle the task being executed on the Web console.

Refresh the Web console or upgrade Plug-in Manager if an upgrade to the program is available.


An error in the Plug-in Manager program occurred.

The Plug-in Manager program encountered an interprocess communication (IPC) error when attempting to communicate with Plug-in Manager backend services.

Restart the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager service and perform the task again.

Other error codes

A system error occurred.

When downloading a new plug-in program, Plug-in Manager checks the plug-in program list from the ActiveUpdate server. Plug-in Manager was unable to obtain the list.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\OfficeScan\
    . Reset the value to 1.0.1000.

  2. Restart the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager service.

  3. Download and install the plug-in program.