
Adding or Modifying a Firewall Policy

Configure the following for each policy:

  1. To add a new policy, click Add. If a new policy you want to create has similar settings with an existing policy, select the existing policy and click Copy.

  2. Type a name for the policy.

  3. Select a security level. The selected security level will not apply to traffic that meet the firewall policy exception criteria.

  4. Select the firewall features to use for the policy.

  5. Enable the local or global Certified Safe Software List.

  6. Under Exception, select the firewall policy exceptions. The policy exceptions included here are based on the firewall exception template. See Editing the Firewall Exception Template for details.

  7. Click Save.

  1. Click a policy.

  2. Modify the following:

  3. Click Save to apply the modifications to the existing policy.

See also: