
Transmission Scope and Targets for Network Channels

Transmission scope and targets define data transmissions on network channels that OfficeScan must monitor. For transmissions that should be monitored, OfficeScan checks for the presence of digital assets before allowing or blocking the transmission. For transmissions that should not be monitored, OfficeScan will not check for the presence of digital assets and immediately allow the transmission.

Transmission Scope: All Transmissions

OfficeScan monitors data transmitted outside the host computer.

If you do not want to monitor data transmissions to certain targets outside the host computer, define the following:

For example:

The following IP addresses are assigned to your company’s Legal Department: to

You are creating a policy that monitors the transmission of Employment Certificates to all employees except the Legal Department’s full time staff. To do this, you would select All transmissions as the transmission scope and then:

Option 1:

  1. Add to the non-monitored targets.

  2. Add the IP addresses of the Legal Department’s part-time staff to the monitored targets. Assume that there are 3 IP addresses,

Option 2:

Add the IP addresses of the Legal Department’s full time staff to the monitored targets:

For guidelines on defining monitored and non-monitored targets, see Defining Monitored and Non-monitored Targets.

Transmission Scope: Only Transmissions Outside the Local Area Network

OfficeScan monitors data transmitted to any target outside the Local Area Network (LAN).

"Network" refers to the company or local network. This includes the current network (IP address of the endpoint and netmask) and the following standard private IP addresses:

If you select this transmission scope, you can define the following:

For guidelines on defining monitored and non-monitored targets, see Defining Monitored and Non-monitored Targets.

Defining Monitored and Non-monitored Targets

Follow these guidelines when defining monitored and non-monitored targets:

  1. Define each target by:

  2. To target specific channels, include the default or company-defined port numbers for those channels. For example, port 21 is typically for FTP traffic, port 80 for HTTP, and port 443 for HTTPS. Use a colon to separate the target from the port numbers.

  3. You can also include port ranges. To include all ports, ignore the port range.

  4. Below are some examples of targets with port numbers and port ranges:

  5. Separate targets with commas.

Resolving Conflicts

If settings for transmission scope, monitored targets, and non-monitored targets conflict, OfficeScan recognizes the following priorities, in order of highest priority to lowest:

See also: