
Predefined Expressions

OfficeScan comes with a set of predefined expressions. These expressions cannot be modified, copied, exported, or deleted.

OfficeScan verifies these expressions using pattern matching and mathematical equations. After OfficeScan matches potentially sensitive data with an expression, the data may also undergo additional verification checks.

The following table lists the predefined expressions and the additional verification tasks that OfficeScan performs, if any.

Predefined Expressions



Additional Verification

All - Credit Card Number

Credit Card Number

OfficeScan checks the prefix and further verifies it with the Luhn checksum, a widely used algorithm for validating identification numbers.

All - Email Address

Email address


All - Home Address

Home addresses in the United States of America and the United Kingdom


All - IBAN (International Bank Account Number)

International Bank Account Number

OfficeScan verifies the International Bank Account Number, which has several different formats depending on the country of origin. The first two letters define the country code. OfficeScan also verifies the format for the specific country code.

All - Names from US Census Bureau

American people's names

OfficeScan verifies first and last names from the US Census Bureau, up to the year 1990.

All - Swift BIC

SWIFT Business Identifier Codes

OfficeScan verifies the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) Bank Identifier Code (BIC).

Swift-BIC is also known as the BIC code, SWIFT ID, or SWIFT code. It consists of a bank code, a country code, and a location code.

OfficeScan verifies the country code against a list of country codes that are considered significant to the business. Some country codes are not included in the list.

Austria - SSN (Sozialversicherungsnummer)

Austrian Social Security Number

OfficeScan verifies the social security number used in Austria and the expression’s own checksum.

Canada - Quebec RAMQ

Quebec Healthcare Medical Number

OfficeScan verifies the health insurance card number used in Quebec, Canada and the expression’s own checksum.

Canada - SIN (Social Insurance Number)

Canadian Social Insurance Number

OfficeScan verifies the prefix and the Luhn checksum, a widely used algorithm for validating identification numbers.

China - National ID Number

China National ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the national ID card number used in the People’s Republic of China. OfficeScan checks the birth date embedded in the ID number and the expression’s own checksum.

Date - Formats used in Japan

Date formats used in Japan, including:

  • yyyy/mm/dd

  • yy/mm/d

  • yy.mm.dd

  • Syy.m.d

  • yyyy-m-d

  • 昭和yymd


Date - Full (day/month/year)

Date format commonly used in the United Kingdom

OfficeScan validates dates in the Day-Month-Year format. OfficeScan checks the range of the month and day for the specified month and if the year is earlier than 2051.

Date - Full (month/day/year)

Date with day, month, and year, such as a birth date

OfficeScan validates dates in the Month-Day-Year format. OfficeScan checks the range of the month and day for the specified month and if the year is earlier than 2051.

Date - Full (year/month/day)

Date format defined by the International Organization for Standardization

OfficeScan validates dates in the Year-Month-Day format. OfficeScan checks the range of the month and day for the specified month and if the year is earlier than 2051.

Date - Partial (month/year)

Date with only the month and year


Denmark - Personal ID Number

Danish Personal ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the personal identification number used in Denmark and the expression’s own checksum.

Dominican Republic - Personal ID Number

Dominican Republic Personal ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the personal identification number used in the Dominican Republic and the expression’s own checksum.

Finland - Personal ID Number

Finnish Personal ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the personal identification number used in Finland and the expression’s own checksum.

France - INSEE Code

France INSEE Code

OfficeScan verifies the INSEE code and the expression’s own checksum.

The INSEE code is a numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE). INSEE identifies various entities and is used as the National Identification Numbers for individuals.

France - National Insurance Number

French National Insurance Number


Germany - Electronic Taxpayer ID

German Electronic Taxpayer ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the German Tax ID (eTIN) by checking both the birth month and day defined in the eTIN. OfficeScan also verifies the expression’s checksum.

Ireland - PPSN

Irish Personal Public Service Number

OfficeScan verifies the Irish Personal Public Service Number and the expression’s checksum.

Ireland - VAT

Irish Value Added Tax


Japan - Address

Address format used in Japan, including prefecture, city, town and village


Japan - Phone Number

Japanese telephone number


Norway - Birth Number

Norwegian Birth Number

OfficeScan verifies the birth date and the 3-digit personal number embedded in the data. OfficeScan also verifies the expression’s two checksums.

Poland - Document ID Number

Polish document ID number

OfficeScan verifies the document ID number used in Poland and the expression’s own checksum.

Poland - National ID Number

Polish ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the PESEL and the expression’s own checksum. PESEL is the national identification number used in Poland.

South Korea - Registration Number

Republic of Korea (South Korea) Registration Number

OfficeScan verifies the registration number of a citizen from the Republic of Korea and the birth date included in the data and gender digit.

Spain - Fiscal Identification Number

Spanish Fiscal Identification Number

OfficeScan verifies the Spanish Fiscal Identification Number and the expression’s own checksum.

Spain - National Identity Card Number

Spanish National Identity Card Number


Spain - SSN (Social Security Number)

Spanish Social Security Number


Taiwan - National ID Number

Taiwan National ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the national ID card number used in Taiwan, the gender digit, and the expression’s own checksum.

Taiwan - SKH Medical Record Number

Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital Medical Record Number

OfficeScan verifies the medical record number used in the Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital and the expression’s own checksum.

Taiwan - VGH Medical Record Number

Taiwan Veterans General Hospital Medical Record Number

OfficeScan verifies the medical record number used in the Taiwan Veterans General Hospital and the expression’s own checksum.

Turkey - Identification Number

Turkish Republic ID Number

OfficeScan verifies the national ID number used in the Turkish Republic and the expression’s own checksum.

UK - National Health System Number

UK National Health System Number


UK - National Insurance Number

UK National Insurance Number

OfficeScan verifies the national health service number used in the United Kingdom and the expression’s own checksum.

US - ABA Routing Number

ABA Routing Number

OfficeScan verifies the first two digits of the data and the expression’s own checksum.

US - California ID or DL Number

California ID Number or Driver’s License Number


US - Dollar Amount

US dollar amount


US - HIC (Health Insurance Claim)

Health Insurance Claim

OfficeScan verifies a valid Health Insurance Claim (HIC) suffix letter. The HIC number has one or two suffix letters.

US - NPI (National Provider Identifier)

National Provider Identifier in the United States

OfficeScan verifies the National Provider Identifier (NPI). The NPI has its own checksum based on the Luhn algorithm, which is widely used for validating identification numbers. OfficeScan also verifies the expression’s checksum.

US - Phone Number

Telephone number

OfficeScan checks the area code against a dictionary of collected US area codes.

US - SSN (Social Security Number)

United States Social Security Number

OfficeScan validates a 9-digit number by checking its area code and group number and then matching it against invalid SSNs identified by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA).

  1. Click the Expressions tab.

  2. Click the expression name.

  3. View settings in the screen that opens.

See also: