
File Attributes

File attributes are specific properties of a file. You can use two file attributes when defining digital assets, namely, file type and file size. For example, a software development company may want to limit the sharing of the company’s software installer to the R&D department, whose members are responsible for the development and testing of the software. In this case, the OfficeScan administrator can create a policy that blocks the transmission of executable files that are 10 to 40MB in size to all departments except R&D.

By themselves, file attributes are poor identifiers of sensitive files. Continuing the example in this topic, third-party software installers shared by other departments will most likely be blocked. Trend Micro therefore recommends combining file attributes with other digital asset definitions for a more targeted detection of sensitive files.

Supported File Types

Choose from the following true file types when defining file attributes:

Supported File Types

File Type Group

File Types

Documents and Encoding Methods

  • Adobe™ PDF - Non-encrypted (.pdf)

  • HTML (.htm)

  • Ichitaro (.jtd)

  • Lotus™ Ami Pro (.sam)

  • Microsoft Word for Windows - Non-encrypted (.doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm)

  • Microsoft Write (.wri)

  • RTF (.rtf)

  • WordPerfect™ (.wp, .wpd)

  • WordStar (.wsd)

  • Xerox™ DocuWorks (.xdw, .xbd)

  • XML (.xml)


  • AutoCAD™ (.dxf)

  • AutoDesk™ (.dwg)

  • Bitmap (.bmp)

  • CATIA™ (.CATDrawing, .CATPart, .CATProduct)

  • DICOMSM (.dcm)

  • EPS (.eps)

  • GIF (.gif)

  • Graphic Data System (.gds)

  • JPEG (.jpg)

  • PNG (.png)

  • PostScript (.ps)

  • Siemens™ NX Unigraphics (.prt)

  • SolidWorks (.abc, .slddrw, .sldprt, .sldasm)

  • TIFF (.tif)

Multimedia Files

  • Adobe Flash™ (.swf)

  • Apple™ QuickTime™ (.mov)

  • AVI (.avi)

  • Microsoft Wave (.wav)

  • MIDI (.mid)

  • MPEG (.mpeg)

Compressed Files

(OfficeScan monitors these file types if they are not encrypted.)

  • ARJ (.arj)

  • bzip2 (.bz2)

  • compress (.Z)

  • GZ (.gz)

  • LHA (.lzh)

  • Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (.chm)

  • Microsoft Outlook™ (.msg)

  • Microsoft Outlook (.pst)

  • Microsoft Outlook Express (.dbx)

  • MIME (.eml)

  • PAK/ARC (.arc)

  • PGP Keyring (.pgp)

  • RAR (.rar)

  • TAR (.tar)

  • Zipped File (.zip)


  • dBase™ (.dbf)

  • KIRI Database (.tbl)

  • Microsoft Access™ (.mdb, .accdb)

  • SAS System Data Set (.sas7bdat)


  • Lotus 1-2-3 (.123, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4, .wke, .wks)

  • Microsoft Excel™ - Non-encrypted (.xls, .xlw, .xlsx, .xltx, .xlsb, .xltm, .xlsm, .xlc, .xlam)

  • Quattro™ (.qpw, .wb3, .wb2, .wb1, .wq1)

Presentation and Diagram Files

  • Microsoft PowerPoint™ for Windows - Non-encrypted (.ppt, .pot, .pps, .pptx, .potx, .ppsx, .potm, .pptm, .ppsm)

  • Microsoft Visio (.vdx, .vsd, .vss, .vst, .vsx, .vtx,.vdw)

Linked and Embedded Files

  • OLE (.ipt, .idw, .iam, .pqw, .msoffice)

Encrypted Files

  • Encrypted compressed files (.rar, .zip)

  • Select this file type if you want to monitor encrypted .rar and .zip files and leave non-encrypted .rar and .zip files unmonitored.

    To monitor both encrypted and non-encrypted .rar and .zip files, go to the Compressed Files category and select Zipped File (.zip) and RAR (.rar).

  • Encrypted documents (.accdb, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .wb1, .wb2, .wq1, .wpd, .xls, .xlsx)

  1. Click the File Attributes tab.

  2. Click Add. A new screen displays.

  3. Type a name for the file attribute list. The name must not exceed 100 bytes in length and cannot contain the following characters:

  4. > < * ^ | & ? \ /

  5. Type a description that does not exceed 256 bytes in length.

  6. Select your preferred true file types.

  7. If a file type you want to include is not listed, select File extensions and then type the file type’s extension. OfficeScan checks files with the specified extension but does not check their true file types.

  8. Guidelines when specifying file extensions:

  9. Type the minimum and maximum file sizes in bytes. Both file sizes must be whole numbers larger than zero.

  10. Click Save.

  11. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.

  12. Back in the Digital Asset Definitions screen, click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the File Attributes tab.

  2. Select the name of a file attribute list and then click Copy. A new screen appears.

  3. Type a unique name for the file attribute list. The name must not exceed 100 bytes in length and cannot contain the following characters:

  4. > < * ^ | & ? \ /

  5. Accept or modify the other settings.

  6. Click Save.

  7. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.

  8. Back in the Digital Asset Definitions screen, click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the File Attributes tab.

  2. Click Import and then locate the .dat file containing the file attribute lists.

  3. Click Open. A message appears, informing you if the import was successful. If a file attribute list to be imported already exists, it will be skipped.

  4. Click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the File Attributes tab.

  2. Click the name of the file attribute list that you want to modify. A new screen appears.

  3. Modify the settings.

  4. Click Save.

  5. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.

  6. Back in the Digital Asset Definitions screen, click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the File Attributes tab.

  2. Click Export.

  3. Save the resulting .dat file to your preferred location.

  1. Click the File Attributes tab.

  2. Select the file attribute lists that you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click Apply to All Clients.

See also: