Configure Manual Scan Settings

Manual Scan starts immediately after you launch it in the client console. The time it takes to complete the scan depends on the number of files to scan and the client computer's hardware resources.

You can set Manual Scan to only scan specific files and folders or change the action it takes against detected viruses/malware and spyware/grayware.

To configure Manual Scan settings:

  1. Select the files to scan.

  1. Learn more about IntelliScan.

  2. If you choose to scan files based on extensions, you can click Edit to add or delete extensions. You do not need to add a period (.) when specifying file extensions.

  3. To exclude certain files from the scan, select Enable scan exclusion and click Edit to specify the directories, files, or file extensions to exclude. If you install the OfficeScan client on a ScanMail for Exchange server, exclude all ScanMail for Exchange folders.

  1. Select additional settings under Scan settings.

  2. Scan hidden folders: Allows OfficeScan to detect and then scan hidden folders on the computer during Manual Scan

  3. Scan network drive: Scans mapped network drives or folders during Manual Scan or Real-time Scan

  4. Scan compressed files: Allows OfficeScan to scan up to a specified number of compression layers and skip scanning any excess layers. OfficeScan also cleans or deletes infected files within compressed files.

  5. Scan OLE objects: When a file contains multiple Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) layers, OfficeScan scans up to the number of layers you specify and skips the remaining layers.

  1. Select a CPU usage level. Lower the CPU usage if your computer runs CPU-intensive applications.

  1. Configure virus/malware scan settings and spyware/grayware scan settings.

  1. Virus/Malware scan options are shown by default.

  1. To configure spyware/grayware scan action, select Spyware/Grayware Scan from the drop-down list and choose from the available scan actions.

  1. Click OK.

See also: