
Installing with Login Script Setup

Login Script Setup automates the installation of the OfficeScan client to unprotected computers when they log on to the network. Login Script Setup adds a program called AutoPcc.exe to the server login script.

AutoPcc.exe installs the client to unprotected computers and updates program files and components. Computers must be part of the domain to be able to use AutoPcc through login script.

Client Installation

AutoPcc.exe automatically installs the OfficeScan client to an unprotected Windows 2000/Server 2003 computer when the computer logs on to the server whose login scripts you modified. However, AutoPcc.exe does not automatically install the client to Windows 7/Vista/2008 computers. Users need to connect to the server computer, navigate to \\<server computer name>\ofcscan), right-click AutoPcc.exe, and select Run as administrator.

For remote desktop installation using AutoPcc.exe:

Program and Component Updates

AutoPcc.exe updates the program files and the antivirus, anti-spyware, and Damage Cleanup Services components.

The Windows 2000/Server 2003/2008 Scripts

If you already have an existing login script, Login Script Setup appends a command that executes AutoPcc.exe. Otherwise, OfficeScan creates a batch file called ofcscan.bat that contains the command to run AutoPcc.exe.

Login Script Setup appends the following at the end of the script:



Login script location (through a net logon shared directory):

  1. On the computer you used to run the server installation, click Programs > Trend Micro OfficeScan Server <Server Name> > Login Script Setup from the Windows Start menu.

  2. The Login Script Setup utility loads. The console displays a tree showing all domains on the network.

  3. Locate the server whose login script you want to modify, select it, and then click Select. Ensure that the server is a primary domain controller and that you have administrator access to the server. Login Script Setup prompts you for a user name and password.

  4. Type the user name and password. Click OK to continue.

  5. The User Selection screen appears. The Users list shows the profiles of users that log on to the server. The Selected users list shows the user profiles whose login script you want to modify.

  6. To modify the login script for a user profile, select the user profile from the Users list, and then click Add.

  7. To modify the login script of all users, click Add All.

  8. To exclude a user profile that you previously selected, select the name from the Selected users list, and click Delete.

  9. To reset your choices, click Delete All.

  10. Click Apply when all target user profiles are in the Selected users list.

  11. A message informs you that you have modified the server login scripts successfully.

  12. Click OK. Login Script Setup returns to its initial screen.

  13. To modify the login scripts of other servers, repeat steps 2 to 4.

  14. To close Login Script Setup, click Exit.

See also: