Touch Tool

The Touch Tool synchronizes the time stamp of one file with the time stamp of another file or with the system time of the computer. If you unsuccessfully attempt to deploy a Hot Fix on the OfficeScan server, use the Touch Tool to change the time stamp of the hot fix. This causes OfficeScan to interpret the hot fix file as new, which makes the server attempt to automatically deploy the hot fix again.

  1. On the OfficeScan server, go to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\Touch.

  2. Copy TMTouch.exe to the folder that contains the file you want to change. If synchronizing the file time stamp with the time stamp of another file, put both files in the same location with the Touch tool.

  3. Open a command prompt and go to the location of the Touch Tool.

  4. Type the following:

  5. TmTouch.exe <destination file name> <source file name>


    <destination file name> is the name of the hot fix file whose time stamp you want to change

    <source file name> is the name of the file whose time stamp you want to replicate

  6. To verify if the time stamp changed, type dir in the command prompt, or check the file’s properties from Windows Explorer.

See also: