OfficeScan restarts client services that stopped responding unexpectedly and were not stopped by a normal system process.
Configure the following settings to enable client services to restart:
OfficeScan restarts the following services:
OfficeScan NT Listener (tmlisten.exe): Receives commands and notifications from the OfficeScan server and facilitates communication from the client to the server
OfficeScanNT RealTime Scan (ntrtscan.exe): Performs Real-time, Scheduled, and Manual scan on OfficeScan clients
OfficeScan NT Proxy Service (TmProxy.exe): Scans network traffic before passing it to the target application.
When a service stops, OfficeScan waits a certain number of minutes before restarting the service.
Specify the maximum retry attempts for restarting a service. Manually restart a service if it remains stopped after the maximum retry attempts.
If a service remains stopped after exhausting the maximum retry attempts, OfficeScan waits a certain number of hours to reset the failure count. If a service remains stopped after the number of hours elapses, OfficeScan restarts the service.
See also: