Importing and Exporting Client Settings

You may want many OfficeScan clients to have the same scan and/or client privilege settings. OfficeScan allows you to save (export) a specific client’s scan settings and privileges and then replicate (import) them to multiple clients. This provides an easy way to configure identical settings on many clients.

You cannot export the scan and privilege settings of multiple clients. You can only export the settings of a single client, a domain, or the root.

  1. Click any of the links to view the settings for the clients or domains you selected.

  2. Click Export to save the settings. The settings are saved in a .dat file.

  3. Click Save and then specify the location to which you want to save the .dat file.

  4. Click Save.

  1. Click Browse to locate the .dat file on the computer and click Import. The Import Settings screen appears, showing a summary of the settings.

  2. Click any of the scan or privilege settings links to view details regarding those settings.

  3. Import the settings.

See also: