Trusted Port

The server and the client use trusted ports to communicate with each other.

If you block the trusted ports and then restore network settings to normal after an outbreak, clients will not immediately resume communication with the server. Client-server communication will only be restored after the number of hours you have specified in the Outbreak Prevention Settings screen elapses.

OfficeScan uses the HTTP port (by default, 8080) as the trusted port on the server. During installation, you may enter a different port number. To block this trusted port and the trusted port on the client, select the Block trusted ports check box on the Port Blocking screen.

The master installer randomly generates the client trusted port during installation.

To determine the trusted ports:

  1. Access <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV.

  2. Open the ofcscan.ini file using a text editor such as Notepad.

  3. For the server trusted port, search for the string "Master_DomainPort" and then check the value next to it. For example, if the string appears as Master_DomainPort=80, this means that the trusted port on the server is port 80.

  4. For the client trusted port, search for the string "Client_LocalServer_Port" and then check the value next to it. For example, if the string appears as Client_LocalServer_Port=41375, this means that the trusted port on the client is port 41375.