Verbose Logging Mode

IWSVA includes a "verbose" logging mode you can use to observe system performance over time. You can enable verbose logging in the intscan.ini file, and then restart the affected IWSVA daemon, as explained below.

To enable or disable verbose logging mode:

  1. Using a text editor such as vi, open the following file:


  2. Use Find to locate the "verbose" parameter in the section you want to troubleshoot: [ftp], [http], or [notification], and change the flag as shown below.

    verbose=0  (disabled)
    verbose=1  (enabled)

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the daemons by tuning off and on the HTTP(S) Traffic and  FTP Traffic links in the Summary page. As an alternative, you can run the relevant S99 script via a terminal to restart the daemons.

See also: