Back=right mouse click.
An HTTPS connection begins with an SSL-handshake which produces the cryptographic parameters for the session. If an SSL-handshake fails, users will not be able to access the Web site and an HTML screen displays with the error message.
Headline—Type the header line to appear in the browser. The default headline is IWSVA Security Event (%h). The headline is common for virus infection messages, file type blocking, and URL blocking messages.
Note: The host name token %h can only be used in the headline and the URL %U and reason %X tokens can only be used in the main body.
You can design your own notification page using any HTML editor, then Import the page to IWSVA (for example, if you want to display company brandings, or provide a link to additional resources).
You can append a custom message to the IWSVA default by selecting both the Default and Customized options.
Supported message variables