HTTP/HTTPS Scanning Notifications

Notifications > HTTP/HTTPS Scanning

Administrator Notification

Trend Micro recommends that you enable Virus and Trojan notifications. Although Internet worms historically have propagated via email rather than the Web, leaving Other Internet threats unchecked will prevent you from receiving a notification each time a worm is detected (which doubles or even triples the email traffic caused by the worm).

    __Virus       __Trojan       __Other Internet threats

Viruses infect a host file or files; the malicious code can usually be removed from the file, and the file restored.  Viruses can be "cleaned". However, most threats now are not viruses -- they are Trojan horse programs, worms, network viruses and exploits, spyware programs, and fraud, or Phish sites.

User Notifications

Whenever IWSVA detects a virus or other Internet threat in client Web traffic—uploads as well as downloads—the user can be notified via their browser. IWSVA provides a default notification, or you can create a customized message.

See also