About PhishTrap

Trend Micro helps protect LAN users from inadvertently giving away sensitive information as part of the Internet fraud known as phishing. IWSVA protects you from phishing threats with a two-prong solution: Web Reputation antiphishing and PhishTrap. From a remote database, Web Reputation retrieves the appropriate URL rating for a requested URL and then determines if it is a phishing threat.

While Web Reputation determines phishing threats based on the reputation of the requested URL, PhishTrap accomplishes this by using engine and pattern file technology. PhishTrap looks for phishing threats based on the signature file.

The URL that is determined to maliciously collect user information is added to the Phish pattern file. The Phish pattern file is a list of URLs that IWSVA blocks. IWSVA periodically retrieves the updated Phish pattern file through ActiveUpdate.

PhishTrap works in conjunction with IWSVA to monitor outbound client URL requests and compares them to the pattern file. Whenever a match occurs, PhishTrap blocks access to the site. Phish events are written to the log and can be included in reports.

Because the incidence of phish fraud is growing rapidly and the format continues to evolve, it is especially important to keep the Phish pattern file up to date. Trend Micro recommends that you schedule frequent updates using ActiveUpdate and set email notifications to let you know the status of scheduled updates.

Check the version of the Phish pattern file you are running and time of last update on the Summary page.

See also: