Querying System Event Logs Parent topic


  1. Go to LogsQuery.
  2. Next to Type, select System events.
    The query screen for system event logs appears.
  3. In the second drop-down box next to Type, select one of the following:
    • All events: Displays the timestamp and descriptions for all system events.
    • Updates: Displays the timestamp of all scan engines and pattern file updates from the ActiveUpdate server to the IMSVA admin database.
    • Service status: Displays the timestamp and descriptions when the scanner service is started or stopped.
    • Audit log: Displays the timestamp and descriptions for operations performed by specified administrator accounts.
      As an enhanced log category of system events, Audit log replaces Admin activity on the IMSVA management console. Audit logs record various administrator operations and provide a way to query activities of specified administrator accounts.
    • Errors: Displays the timestamp and descriptions for all errors that IMSVA encountered.
  4. In the third drop-down box next to Type, select the server to view.
  5. Next to Dates, select a date and time range.
  6. Next to Description, specify any special words to search for.
  7. Click Display Log.
    A timestamp, component, and description appear for each event.
  8. Perform any of the additional actions:
    • To change the number of items that appears in the list at a time, select a new display value from the drop-down box on the top of the table.
    • To sort the table, click the column title.
    • To print the query results, click Print current page.
    • To save the query result to a comma-separated value file, click Export to CSV.