Querying Sender Filtering Logs Parent topic


  1. Go to LogsQuery.
  2. Next to Type, select Sender filtering.
  3. In the second drop-down box next to Type, select one of the following items related to Sender Filtering:
    • All
    • Email reputation
    • DHA attack
    • Bounced mail
    • Virus
    • Spam
    • Manual: Refers to the IP addresses that you have specified in the blocked list.
    • IP-based SMTP Traffic Throttling
    • Sender-based SMTP Traffic Throttling
  4. Next to Dates, select a date and time range.
  5. Next to IP, provide any IP address to search.
  6. Next to Sender, provide any sender address to search.
  7. Click Display Log. Information appears for the time that IMSVA both started and stopped blocking each IP address or domain.
  8. Perform any of the additional actions:
    • To change the number of items that appears in the list at a time, select a new display value from the drop-down box on the top of the table.
    • To print the query results, click Print current page.
    • To save the query result to a comma-separated value file, click Export to CSV.