
What’s New

The table below provides an overview of new features available in IMSVA 8.2.

IMSVA 8.2 New Features

New Feature


Email encryption

Trend Micro Email Encryption integrates with IMSVA to protect sensitive email content by encrypting inbound and outbound email mes­sages according to specific policies.

IMSVA can also scan encrypted messages for threats.

IMSVA provides reports and notifications to moni­tor encrypted email traffic.

Multiple LDAP server sup­port

IMSVA supports using more than one LDAP server and has support for more LDAP server types.

Dashboard and widgets

Real-Time summaries have been replaced with a dashboard and widgets. This will provide admin­istrators with more flexibility when viewing IMSVA data.

The System Summary has been renamed "Sys­tem Status" and appears in the left menu.

Regulatory compliance support

IMSVA provides support for regulatory compli­ance in policies.

Cloud Pre-Filter enhance­ments

Cloud Pre-Filter now supports protection against directory harvest attacks (DHA).

Accounts other than the "admin" account can be granted access to Cloud Pre-Filter

Expanded Control Man­ager support

IMSVA now supports registering to Control Man­ager 5.5.

Microsoft Hyper-V support

IMSVA now supports installation on Microsoft Hyper-V.

EUQ enhancement

EUQ now supports single sign-on with Kerberos and synchronized messages with Cloud Pre-Fil­ter.

The table below provides an overview of new features available in IMSVA 8.0.

IMSVA 8.0 New Features

New Feature


Cloud Pre-Filter

Cloud Pre-Filter is a hosted email security ser­vice that can filter all of your email messages before they reach your network. Pre-filtering your email messages can save you time and money.

For more information, see Understanding Email Encryption.

Smart Search Text Box

Allows users to quickly navigate to screens on the web console by typing the name of the screen or feature in the Smart Search text field.

Policy Objects

Several information objects that can be used by policies have been removed from policy creation and given their own areas for configuration:

  • Address Groups

  • Keywords & Expressions

  • Policy Notifications

  • Stamps

  • DKIM Approved List

  • Web Reputation Approved List

Web Reputation

Protect your clients from malicious URLs embed­ded in email messages with Web reputation.

For more information, see About Web Reputation.

NRS Terminology Change

Network Reputation Service (NRS) has been changed to Email reputation.

Detection Capability Enhancement

Use DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) enforce­ment, with the DKIM Approved List, in policies to assist in phishing protection and to reduce the number of false positives regarding domains.

X-Header Support

Insert X-Headers into email messages to track and catalog the messages.

Expanded File Scanning Support

IMSVA now supports scanning Microsoft® Office 2007 and Adobe® Acrobat® 8 documents.

Scan Exception Enhance­ment

IMSVA now supports configuring custom policy settings for encrypted messages and password protected attachments. Special actions can be taken on encrypted messages or password pro­tected files sent/received by specified users or groups.

EUQ Enhancement

IMSVA now allows users to review and delete or approve messages that are quarantined by administrator-created content filters and those quarantined by the Spam Prevention Solution.

EUQ Single Sign-on (SSO)

IMSVA now allows users to log in once to their domain and then to EUQ without re-entering their domain name and password.

  • IMSVA 8.0 only supports Internet Explorer and Firefox with Windows Active Directory as the LDAP server.

Antispoofing filter

With this filter, a message that has the sender domain that is the same as the recipient(s) domain, and the message does not come from an internal IP address, IMSVA takes action on the message.