
Registering Domains

When registering domains to the Trend Micro Email Encryption Server, email messages are sent to the following email addresses to verify ownership of the domains:

Trend Micro sends an email message to the "Contact Information" email address to verify that the domain exists and that the postmaster@<domain> and webmaster@<domain> accounts exist and are enabled.

By design, after a domain is registered, it cannot be re-registered. If a domain has already been registered, subsequent re-registration results in a "domain already registered" error. This is enforced for the purpose of security. If there is a need to reinstall IMSVA, backup the database prior to re-installation, and restore it afterwards. This eliminates the need to re-register IMSVA and the same domains after re-installation.

The default sender address for your domains will be postmaster@<domain>. You can customize the default sender address from the Encryption Settings screen.

The default sender address is used when IMSVA trys to encrypt an email message, but whose domain is not in the Domain List. IMSVA signs these email messages with the default sender address.

  1. Navigate to the Encryption Settings screen.

  2. Click Add on the Domains tab.

  3. Add the domains you want to protect to the domain list. Domains can be manually typed or selected from a list of existing domains. Up to 10 domains can be added at a time.

  4. Click Save A progress bar appears as the domain information is sent to the Trend Micro Email Encryption Server. A confirmation screen appears that verifies the domain information was received by the Trend Micro Encryption Server.

  5. Read the instructions about what to do once you receive the verification key file.

  6. Click Done. The domains appear in the Domain list on the Domain tab and a message about the Domain tab.

  7. If you are the registered owner of the domain, reply to the confirmation email from the Trend Micro Encryption Server. The email is sent to postmaster@<domain> and webmaster@<domain>. When your domains are approved, you receive the domain ownership verification key file. You must reply to the confirmation mail to prove that you are the owner of the domain.

  8. Once you receive the key file, save it to a secure location.

  9. Navigate to the Encryption Settings screen.

  10. Click Browse and locate the key.

  11. Click Upload. A confirmation message appears when registration completes successfully.

See also:

Managing Domains