Specifying an Update Source Parent topic

Before you can update the IMSS scan engine and pattern files, specify the update source. By default, IMSS downloads components from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server, which is the source for up-to-date components. However, if you are using Trend Micro Control Manager to manage IMSS, you can update the components from the Control Manager server.
If you did not specify the update source when configuring IMSS using the Configuration Wizard, provide the update source and/or any proxy settings.


  1. Go to AdministrationUpdates.
    The Updates screen appears.
  2. Click the Source tab.
  3. Under Source, select one of the following:
    • Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server: The default source for up-to-date components.
    • Other Internet source: Specify the URL or IP address of the Control Manager server or other update source.
  4. If the connection to ActiveUpdate, Product Registration Server, and Web reputation servers must pass through a proxy server, select Use a proxy server for updates to patterns, engines, licenses, and for Web Reputation queries, and then configure the following:
    Option Description
    Proxy type
    Select HTTP, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5.
    Proxy server
    Specify the host name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the proxy server.
    Specify the port the proxy server uses to connect to the Internet.
    Specify the corresponding password.
  5. Click Save.
    If you are using the Configuration Wizard, click Next.