Configuring Scheduled Updates Parent topic

If you are unable to regularly download antivirus and antispam components, your network will be at risk from Internet threats. To automate the update process, configure an update schedule. If your network has limited Internet bandwidth, schedule updates during off-peak hours.


  1. Go to AdministrationUpdates.
    The Updates screen appears with the Schedule tab selected by default.
  2. Select the Enable scheduled update check box.
  3. Under Update Component, select the components to update. Trend Micro recommends updating all components.
  4. Under Update Schedule, select the update frequency:
    • Minute intervals: Updates every { } minutes per hour. Select the minute interval.
      For example, if you select 15, the update is triggered four times an hour: at 00, 15, 30, 45 minutes. If you select 30, the update will be triggered twice an hour: at 00 and 30 minutes.
    • Hourly: Updates every hour at { } minutes. Select the number of minutes after the hour.
      For example, if you select 15, the update is triggered at 15 minutes after the hour, every hour.
    • Daily: Updates every day at the time you choose. Select the time of day.
    • Weekly: Updates once a week at the specified day and time. Select a day of the week and the time of day.
  5. Click Save.