How can I configure BIND version 9.x to make sure IP Profiler works well? Parent topic

If you did not install BIND version 9.x during installation or migration, but you want to use IP Profiler later, do the following:


  1. If an old BIND server exists, uninstall it on the target computer if the version is lower than 9.x.
  2. Run the command tar -xvf imss.tar to get the bind.tar file.
  3. Copy bind.tar to a specified folder.
  4. Run the command tar -xvf bind.tar to extract the file.
  5. Type the cd command to change to the bind folder. Outside the folder, you can view the following:
    bash-2.03# pwd
    bash-2.03# ls
    bind bind.tar
  6. Run the following commands:
    chgrp -R imss bind
    chown -R imss bind
    chmod -R 555 bind
    cp -f bind/named.conf /etc
    cp -f bind/rndc.key /etc
    mkdir -p /var/named
    chmod 770 /var/named
  7. If there is no named group or user, run the following command:
    groupadd named
    useradd -g named -s /bin/false -d /var/named named
  8. Run the following commands to configure BIND server:
    chown named:named /var/named
    mkdir -p /var/run/named
    chmod 770 /var/run/named
    chown named:named /var/run/named
    chown named:named /etc/named.conf
    chown named:named /etc/rndc.key
    chmod 555 /etc/named.conf
    chmod 555 /etc/rndc.key
  9. Modify foxdns.ini as follows:
    vi $IMSS_HOME/config/foxdns.ini
    #$IMSS_HOME is /opt/trend/imss/ by default.
    #modify the following item:
    # /export/home/bob/bind is the folder for bind
  10. Type bash-2.03# /export/home/bob/bind/named to run the BIND server.
  11. Restart S99FOXDNS at $IMSS_HOME/imss/script.