Configuring TMCM Settings Parent topic

To use Trend Micro Control Manager (TMCM) 5.5 or above to manage IMSS, enable the Control Manager/MCP agent on the IMSS server and configure Control Manager server settings. If a proxy server is between the Control Manager server and IMSS, configure proxy settings. If a firewall is between the Control Manager server and IMSS, configure port forwarding to work with the firewall's port-forwarding functionality.
For additional information about Control Manager, see the Control Manager documentation.


  1. Go to AdministrationIMSS ConfigurationConnections.
    The Components tab displays by default.
  2. Click the TMCM Server tab.
  3. Under TMCM Server Settings, specify the following parameters:
    Option Description
    Enable MCP Agent Select the check box to enable the agent.
    Server Specify the Control Manager IP address or FQDN.
    Communication protocol Select HTTP or HTTPS and specify the corresponding port number. The default port number for HTTP access is 80, and the default port number for HTTPS is 443.
    Web server authentication Specify the credentials to access the Control Manager web server.
  4. Under Proxy Settings, specify the following parameters:
    Option Description
    Enable proxy Select the check box to enable the proxy server.
    Proxy type Select the protocol that the proxy server uses: HTTP, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5.
    Proxy server Specify the proxy server FQDN or IP address, port number, and the user name and password.
    Port Specify the port for the proxy server.
    User name Specify the user name to access the proxy server.
    Password Specify the password for the user name.
  5. Click Save.
    If you are using the Configuration Wizard, click Next.
    If you enabled the agent, it will soon register to the Control Manager server. If you disabled the agent, IMSS will soon log off from the Control Manager server. Verify the change on the Control Manager management console.