Configuring Database Settings Parent topic

Configure the database connection settings so IMSS can save messages and data.


  1. Go to AdministrationIMSS ConfigurationConnections.
    The Components tab displays by default.
  2. Click the Database tab.
    The IMSS admin database type, database server name or IP address, and user name appear at the top of the table.
  3. To register an EUQ database to IMSS, click Register under EUQ Database.
    You must use the installer to install the EUQ database, which then registers it to IMSS automatically.
  4. Type the EUQ database server FQDN or IP address, port number, administrator user name and password.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To modify an existing database, click the database name.
  7. To unregister an existing database from IMSS, select the check box next to a database, and then click Unregister.
    You can re-add the database at another time. Unregistering the database does not delete or otherwise affect the actual database server; IMSS just stops using the database.