Generating Scheduled Reports Parent topic


  1. Click ReportsScheduled Reports to open the Scheduled Reports screen.
  2. Click Add.
    The Schedule Reports > Add Report Template screen opens to let you set up your report.
  3. Type a name for the report template.
  4. Specify the schedule that the template uses to generate individual reports.
    Reports can generate on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
  5. Specify the Generate report at time when the template generates the individual report.
    IM Security uses a 24-hour clock for all time settings.
    For example: After specifying the schedule to be weekly every Sunday and configuring the time for report generation to be 02:00, then IM Security uses the template to generate an individual report every Sunday at 02:00.
  6. Select the type of report that IM Security generates according to the schedule.
  7. Under Format, select the output format of the report.
  8. Under Delivery, click Send to email and then type the mailbox name that will receive the generated one-time report.
  9. Click Add.
    The browser returns to the Scheduled Reports screen. The new template is added to the list of report templates.