Accessing the Product Console Remotely Parent topic

Setup enables a secure sockets layer (SSL) product console connection when the Enable SSL option is selected during installation. SSL allows IM Security to encrypt the configuration data as it passes from the IM Security product console to the IM Security server. If the Microsoft IIS web server is selected during installation, IM Security supports HTTP or HTTPS.


  1. Access the web console using one of the following:
    • To access the product console using HTTPS:
      Type the URL for encrypted communication (HTTPS) in the following format:
      https://{host name}:{port}/IMSecurity
      • {host name} is the IM Security server's fully qualified domain name (FQDN), IP address, or server name
      • {port} is the port used during an HTTPS session. If port 16373 (default HTTPS port) is used, including the port number in the URL is not necessary.
      • IMSecurity is the IM Security website name.
      When accessing a secure IM Security site, it automatically sends its certificate, and Internet Explorer displays a lock icon on the status bar.
    • To access the console remotely using HTTP:
      Type the following in your browser's address field to open the log on screen:
      http://{host name}:{port}/IMSecurity
      {host name} is the IM Security server's fully qualified domain name (FQDN), IP address, or server name. If HTTP port number is not the default value (16372), you must include the port number in the URL.
  2. Type the user name and password in the fields provided.
  3. Click Log On.