How do I change the account used to start the IM Security services? Parent topic


  1. Prepare a user account that IM Security uses to start the services.
    The account must be a member of the following groups:
    • RTCUniversalServerReadOnlyGroup of the Domain Controller
    • RTC Server Applications
    • RTC Local Administrators
    • Local Administrator of the IM Security server
  2. Update the account and password information for the IM Security services:
    1. Open Windows Services Panel.
    2. Locate the following IM Security services:
      • Trend Micro IM Security Server
      • Trend Micro IM Security System Attendant
    3. Manually stop the services.
    4. Select each service individually, right-click and click PropertiesLog on.
    5. Clear the log on password and type the updated password.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Manually restart the service.
    IM Security does not support the use of built-in accounts including the local system account, local service account, or the network service account to start the IM Security services.