About Data Loss Prevention Templates Parent topic

Use Data Loss Prevention templates to tag and detect sensitive content by a set combination of data identifiers. A template combines data identifiers and operators (And, Or) in condition statements. When a set of data matches the criteria of a condition, Data Loss Prevention triggers a policy action. For example, a file containing data matching the All: Names from US Census Bureau AND US: HICN (Health Insurance Claim Number) templates, triggers the HIPAA policy.
Use Data Loss Prevention out-of-the-box templates for regulatory compliance initiatives, such as GLBA, PCI-DSS, SB-1386, US PII, and HIPAA. Companies can also create custom templates or modify existing templates to suit their business requirements. Companies that have preexisting, user-defined templates can import and export templates to maintain policy consistency throughout their organization.
Create company-specific templates after configuring DLP data identifiers or use the predefined templates.