Using the Debug Logs Parent topic

IM Security Debugger can assist you in debugging or reporting the status of the IM Security processes. When you are having unexpected difficulties, you can use the debugger to create debugger reports and send them to Trend Micro technical support for analysis.
IM Security starts to collect debug data and saves them in a corresponding log file. Once a debug file's size reaches 10 MB, IM Security creates a new file and implements the following file naming conventions:
  • For the IM Security server: servIMSHost.log or servIMSHost.log.#
  • Trend Micro IM Security System Attendant service
  • For Control Manager Agent: servCmAgentHost.log or servCmAgentHost.log.#
All of the modules produce text files that you can view with any text editor. By default, IM Security keeps the logs in the directory:
<root>:\Program Files\Trend Micro\IM Security\Debug


  1. Go to AdministrationDebug Logs.
    The Debug Logs screen appears.
  2. Select the modules to debug:
    • Trend Micro IM Security Server
    • Trend Micro IM Security System Attendant service
    • Trend Micro Control Manager Agent
  3. Click Apply.
    IM Security continues to collect debug data until you clear all items you were debugging and click Apply.