File Blocking Parent topic

File Blocking scans for unwanted files based on file type, name, or size.
For details, see Configuring File Blocking.

How IM Security File Blocking works

IM Security performs the following File Blocking related tasks upon receiving a file:
  1. Scans the file and determines whether it matches the criteria set for the File Blocking rules.
    A File Blocking rule defines how IM Security blocks a file based on file type, file or extension name, or file size. If more than one criteria are enabled in a single rule, IM Security uses an OR relationship to connect the enabled criteria.
  2. Applies the File Blocking action.
  3. Sends notifications to the administrator or contacts.
    IM Security allows you to notify administrators, or the Lync/Skype for Business client contacts involved in the File Blocking event, through email, IM, SNMP, or Windows Event log.