Using OfficeScan to Uninstall Endpoint Encryption Agents Parent topic

During an upgrade, some Endpoint Encryption agents require first manually uninstalling the old Endpoint Encryption agent software. If the Endpoint Encryption agent software is malfunctioning in some way, uninstalling and reinstalling the Endpoint Encryption agent software may solve the problem.
During an upgrade, some Endpoint Encryption agents require first manually uninstalling the old Endpoint Encryption agent software. If the Endpoint Encryption agent software is malfunctioning in some way, uninstalling and reinstalling the Endpoint Encryption agent software may solve the problem.
This procedure explains how to uninstall Endpoint Encryption agents using the OfficeScan Endpoint Encryption Deployment Tool plug-in.


  1. Select the Endpoint Encryption device.
    To select multiple Endpoint Encryption devices, hold SHIFT and select applicable endpoints.
  2. Click Uninstall and select the appropriate Endpoint Encryption agent from the drop-down list.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deployment.
    The Endpoint Encryption agent uninstall command is deployed.
  4. The Endpoint Encryption agent uninstallation is complete when OfficeScan displays the confirmation message.
    All future deployment commands fail if the Endpoint Encryption device is not restarted after the uninstall command is initiated and completes.
    If the uninstall cannot complete, follow the manual uninstallation process in the Endpoint Encryption Installation and Migration Guide.
    When uninstallation completes, the Endpoint Encryption agent is removed and the product folder is deleted from the endpoint.