Specifying Policy Targets Parent topic

Use the Specify Target(s) screen to assign Endpoint Encryption devices to the policy.
The Specify Target(s) screen is available when creating a new policy.
For information about creating a policy, see Creating a Policy.

Specifying Policy Targets


  1. From the Specify Target(s) screen, click the Browse tab.
  2. From the left pane, expand the tree to select the managed folder.
    Example: CM-PI-2K8Local FolderTMEETMEEQA2
  3. Select any appropriate Endpoint Encryption devices, or select the top check box to select all Endpoint Encryption devices listed on the current page.
  4. Click Add Selected Targets.
    To immediately select all devices in the managed folder, click Add All from Selected Folder.
    View Action List and View Results update based on the selection.
  5. Click OK.