Configuring Scheduled Download Settings Parent topic

The Download Settings group defines the components Control Manager automatically downloads and the download method.


  1. Navigate to UpdatesScheduled Download.
    The Scheduled Download screen appears.
  2. From the Component Category area select the components to download.
    1. Click the + icon to expand the component list for each component group.
    2. Select the components to download. To select all components for a group, select:
      • All Pattern files/Cleanup templates
      • All Antispam rules
      • All Engines
      • OfficeScan Plug-in Programs
      • Product programs and widget pool
        The Component Name> screen appears. Where Component Name> represents the name of the selected component.
  3. Under Download settings, select one of the following update sources:
    • Internet: Trend Micro update server: (default setting) Control Manager downloads the latest components from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server
    • Other update source: specify the URL of the latest component source, for example, your company's Intranet server
      After selecting Other update source, you can specify multiple update sources. Click the + icon to add an additional update source. You can configure up to five update sources.
  4. Select Retry frequency to instruct Control Manager to retry downloading latest components. Specify the number of attempts and the frequency of each set of attempts in the appropriate fields.
    Click Save before clicking Edit or Deployment Plan on this screen. If you do not click Save your settings will be lost.
  5. If you are using a proxy server on the network (that is, the Control Manager server does not have direct Internet access), click Edit to configure the proxy settings from the Connection Settings screen.
  6. Click Save.