Endpoint Encryption Agent Deployment Statuses Parent topic

The following table explains the OfficeScan statuses that appear in the Endpoint Encryption Deployment Tool plug-in console after initiating a deployment command. Use it to understand if there was a problem during the agent installation or uninstallation.

Agent Installation Statuses

In progress
In progress: agent deployment
OfficeScan is attempting to communicate with the managed endpoint, install the Endpoint Encryption agent, then establish a connection with PolicyServer.
Successful agent deployment
The Endpoint Encryption agent installed successfully, and has established communication with both OfficeScan and PolicyServer.
Unsuccessful agent deployment
The Endpoint Encryption agent deployment could not finish. Review the logs to find out why the managed endpoint could not update with the selected Endpoint Encryption agent.
Restart required
Successful agent deployment. Shutdown/Restart required.
For the Full Disk Encryption agent, a restart is required to complete the installation. The status is not updated until after the user has logged on the PolicyServer preboot.
Timed out: agent deployment
The timeout period is 30 minutes. After a timeout, initiate a new deployment command.

Agent Uninstallation Statuses

In progress
Request in progress: agent deployment
OfficeScan is attempting to communicate with the managed endpoint and uninstall the agent software. The managed endpoint must reply to the deployment command before the uninstallation can start.
Successful agent uninstallation
The Endpoint Encryption agent uninstalled successfully and has established communication with OfficeScan and PolicyServer. After uninstallation, the Endpoint Encryption device is removed from PolicyServer.
Unsuccessful agent uninstallation
The Endpoint Encryption agent uninstallation request could not establish a connection. Review the logs to find out why the managed endpoint could not uninstall the Endpoint Encryption.
Restart required
Successful agent uninstallation. Shutdown/Restart required.
For some Endpoint Encryption agents, a restart is required to complete the uninstallation.
Request timeout: agent uninstallation
The timeout period is 30 minutes. After a timeout, initiate a new uninstallation request.