Patch Management with Full Disk Encryption Parent topic

Use the Command Line Helper and DAAutoLogin together to run Windows patch management on devices with Full Disk Encryption installed. Command Line Helper creates encrypted values for scripts and DAAutoLogin grants a one-time bypass of the Full Disk Encryption Preboot.
Use DAAutoLogin in various combinations to accomplish different needs. Patches can be pushed out, and followed by a script using DAAutoLogin to send a reboot command for the device to display the Windows GINA for confirmation of successful patching or to another round of patches can be deployed.
DAAutoLogin accepts the following switches:
DAAutoLogin <pre-boot Username> <pre-boot Password> [<Domain Name> <Domain Username> <Domain Password>]
Each required value can be passed and separated with a space. Adding in the domain switches allows for Windows authentication.
  • Make sure to run both tools on a Full Disk Encryption device.
  • Both tools are available in the tools folder of the zip file received from Trend Micro. For assistance, contact Trend Micro Support.