Modifying an OSPF Interface Parent topic


  1. Go to NetworkRoutingOSPFInterface.
  2. Click the name of the OSPF interface to change.
  3. Change one or more of the following options as needed:
    Option Description
    Passive option Select check box to restrict the OSPF interface from sending or receiving OSPF packets.
    Interface Select he Deep Edge interface name to associate with this OSPF interface definition (for example, port1, external, or VLAN_1). The Deep Edge unit can have physical, VLAN, virtual IPSec or GRE interfaces connected to the OSPF-enabled network.
    Priority Specify the OSPF priority for this interface (0-255). It is the priority for the router to be elected as a designated router (DR) or as a backup DR (BDR) according to the OSPF protocol. When the value is zero, the router will not be elected as a DR or BDR.
    Hello Interval Optionally, set the Hello Interval to be compatible with Hello Interval settings on all OSPF neighbors. This setting defines the period of time (in seconds) that Deep Edge waits between sending Hello packets through this interface.
    Dead Intervals Optionally, set the Dead Interval to be compatible with Dead Interval settings on all OSPF neighbors. This setting defines the period of time (in seconds) that Deep Edge waits to receive a Hello packet from an OSPF neighbor through the interface. If Deep Edge does not receive a Hello packet within the specified amount of time, Deep Edge declares the neighbor inaccessible. By convention, the Dead Interval value is usually four times greater than the Hello Interval value.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Verify the changes in the list at NetworkRoutingOSPFInterface.