Configuring Global Log Settings Parent topic


  1. Go to Analysis & ReportsLog Settings.
  2. Under Log Options, set the following parameters:
    1. Select the violation types to log.
      Enable violation logs for additional information about traffic activity or for troubleshooting. Disabling violation logs may improve performance.
    2. Select Enable Internet access log to enable network traffic statistics logging.
      To capture log data, also enable Internet access logging from the policy rule. For details, see Adding Policy Rules.
      Turning on the Internet access log consumes much more storage than the violation logs alone. Use a syslog server to offload the logs from the box to keep logs for a longer period
  3. Under Log Management, set the following limits as needed:
    Option Description
    Limit log storage to [x] GB Default: System defined
    Automatically delete logs older than [x] days Default: 62 days
  4. If needed, change the purge value for the number of days to retain logs before deleting logs.
    Setting the value to less than 62 days may prevent monthly report generation. Setting the value to more than 62 days could cause the accumulated data size to affect performance. Older logs are automatically removed when the logs exceed the size limitation.
  5. Under Syslog Server, select the Enable syslog and forward all logs to syslog server check box, if needed.
    1. Specify the IP address and port number to forward syslogs.
  6. Click Apply.