Log Analysis Menu Options Parent topic

The following table describes the available menu options to filter and control the Log Analysis graphs. Use it to understand the drop-down menus located at Analysis & ReportsLog Analysis.

Log Analysis Menu Option Descriptions

Menu Option
User Name
Joe User
The user consuming traffic or affected by malware.
If there is no user name information, the User Name appears as the client's IP address.
Client IP
The source or destination IP address for upstream or downstream traffic.
Always the source IP address
App Name
Google Picassa, Groupon
The name of the application controlled by policy rules.
Policy Name
Global URL Filtering
The policy name specified by the Deep Edge administrator.
URL Category
Adult/Mature Content
A collection of websites based on the type of hosted content to approve, filter, or block.
Message Type
HTTP Inspection Log, APT detection
The different security violations based on VSAPI, TMASE or other scan engines. To see the options available, go to PoliciesSecurity Settings (IPS, Anti-Malware, Anti-Spam, WRS).
Block, Monitor
The action enforced by a policy after receiving a packet that meets the policy rule criteria.
The host name of the source or destination IP address.
Malware Name
The name of the malware threatening the network.