Adding a Bridge Parent topic

For a bridge mode overview, see Overview of Bridge Mode.


  1. Go to NetworkDeployment and verify that the Inline Mode radio button is selected.
  2. Go to NetworkBridge.
  3. Click Add New.
    The Add/Edit Bridge screen appears.
  4. Specify a name for the network bridge.
  5. From the Interface 1 and Interface 2 drop-down list boxes, select the interfaces to bridge.
    These bridged interfaces should correspond to the trusted and untrusted sides of the network so that data can pass between the Internet and internal systems.
  6. Under Bridge Binding IP Configuration, specify the network settings.
    The bridge IP address, netmask, and default gateway are optional when other L3 interfaces are configured with access rights to the web console.
    Option Description
    IPv4 address
    Specify the IPv4 address.
    IPv4 netmask
    Specify the IPv4 subnet mask.
    IPv4 default gateway
    Specify the IPv4 default gateway. This settings is only required for WAN configurations.
    IPv6 address / prefix length
    Specify the IPv6 settings.
    Example: 2001:db8:10ff::ae:44f2/8
    IPv6 default gateway
    Specify the IPv6 default gateway. This settings is only required for WAN configurations.
    Example: 2001:db8:10ff::ae:44f2/64
    Example: 2001:db8:10ff::ae:44f2/64
    Administrative access
    Select which management services and traffic to allow (web console, ping, SSH, SNMP). These services originate from devices behind the Deep Edge appliance.
  7. Configure Advanced Settings.
    • Ensure a loop-free topology for the bridged network by selecting Enable Spanning Tree Protocol.
    • Ensure that attached devices are aware of the link status in high availability networks by selecting Enable Link Loss Forwarding. For information about Link Loss Forwarding, see Link Loss Forwarding.
  8. Click Apply.