Querying the Mail Quarantine Parent topic

If the Quarantine action was selected for spam email messages, those message are moved to the quarantine area. It is possible to query all quarantined messages.


  1. Go to AdministrationMail QuarantineQuery.
  2. Set the following search filters as needed:
    • Time period or Custom Range
    • Protocol
    • Status
    • Quarantine Reason
    • Sender, Recipient, or Subject
  3. Click Query.
  4. In the returned results, click the icon in the Details column for more information about a particular message in quarantine.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Resend the email message if needed.
      If no resend SMTP server is configured, then the email message is resent to the original IP address when quarantined. For information about configuring the SMTP resend server, see Configuring Mail Quarantine Settings.
    • Delete the email message if it is not needed.
    • Export the email message to the appropriate user, if the downstream mail server is not available.