Editing Network Interfaces Parent topic

Deep Edge auto-detects L2 and L3 interfaces.


  1. Go to NetworkInterfaces to view all Deep Edge network interfaces.
  2. Click an interface in the Name column.
  3. Configure the interface settings based on the interface mode.
    • For a static address, configure the following parameters.
    Option Description
    Select L3.
    Select Static.
    IPv4 address
    Specify the IPv4 address.
    IPv4 netmask
    Specify the IPv4 subnet mask.
    IPv4 default gateway
    Specify the IPv4 default gateway. This settings is only required for WAN configurations.
    IPv6 address / prefix length
    Specify the IPv6 settings.
    Example: 2001:db8:10ff::ae:44f2/8
    IPv6 default gateway
    Specify the IPv6 default gateway. This settings is only required for WAN configurations.
    Example: 2001:db8:10ff::ae:44f2/64
    Example: 2001:db8:10ff::ae:44f2/64
    Administrative access
    Select which management services and traffic to allow (web console, ping, SSH, SNMP). These services originate from devices behind the Deep Edge appliance.
    • For DHCP, configure the following parameters.
    Option Description
    Select L3.
    Select DHCP.
    Administrative access
    Select which management services and traffic to allow (web console, ping, SSH, SNMP). These services originate from devices behind the Deep Edge appliance.
    • For PPPoE, configure the following parameters.
    Option Description
    Select L3.
    Select PPPoE.
    User name
    Specify the user name provided by the Internet Service Provider.
    Specify the password provided by the Internet Service Provider.
    Administrative access
    Select which management services and traffic to allow (web console, ping, SSH, SNMP). These services originate from devices behind the Deep Edge appliance.
    PPPoE Advanced Settings
    Specify the on-demand, idle time, and connection timeout settings.
  4. Under Monitoring Settings, configure the monitoring hosts.
  5. Under Bandwidth Settings, specify the maximum allowed upstream and downstream bandwidth.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Verify the updates in the interface list at NetworkInterfaces.