Address Object Parameters Parent topic

Use the following information to define configure address object parameter to simplify the creation of security policies.
To create address objects, specify the following information.

Address Object Parameters

Parameter Description
Name Specify a name that describes the addresses to be defined. This name appears in the address list when defining security policies. The name is case-sensitive and must be unique. Use only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, and underscores.
Protocol Specify if using an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
IP Address
IPv4 Address:
Specify the address or network using the following notation:
  • ip_address
  • ip_address/bitmask
    The bitmask is the number of significant binary digits used for the network portion of the address.
  • IP address range such as:
Example: indicates one address, and indicates all addresses from through
IPv6 address
Specify the IPv6 address or IPv6 address with prefix. Example: 2001:db8:123:1::1 or 2001:db8:123:1::/64