Bandwidth Summary Widget Parent topic

The Bandwidth Summary widget displays bandwidth in/out information based on IP addresses. Mouse-over a point on a line to view details for specific interfaces. Data is real-time data, but the widget itself also accumulates data.
The in/out traffic count is based on the packets' source address. If the source address is an internal address, then it is displays as 'out', otherwise it is 'in'. The internal address is configured at NetworkAddress GroupDefault Internal Address. The average value calculation is based on same time period from the previous day. For example, if the current value is 10:05, then the corresponding average value is calculated using the last seven day's values from the same time.
The traffic for one interface can appear at a time. The title of the widget denotes which interface traffic currently appears in the widget. To configure the displayed data sources, click the edit_icon_widget.jpg icon in the upper right corner of the widget, and then set the widget parameters in the screen that appears.
To manually refresh the data, click the icon_refreshwidget.jpg icon in the upper right corner of the widget. The widget automatically refreshes data every minute.