Easy-to-Use Policy Management Parent topic

Deep Discovery Web Inspector provides easy-to-use, but powerful policy management.
  • Create policies that specify which network and domain objects and which file types to scan.
  • Create network or domain objects to use when creating policies.
  • Use a pre-defined list of file types when configuring policies.
  • Choose whether to allow, block, or scan objects that are a policy match.
  • If matching objects are scanned, further refine actions taken by specifying whether to monitor or block the object depending on the risk level.
  • Provide advanced malware protection by enabling Provide Patient Zero Protection.
    If an object is send to Virtual Analyzer for sandbox analysis, Patient Zero Protection temporarily holds objects until analysis is complete instead of passing the object to the endpoint even before analysis determines the risk level for the object.
  • Configure multiple policies and prioritize by moving them up or down in the policy order.
  • Customize email notifications sent to users for policy violations.
  • Create HTTPS inspection rules to decrypt and inspect HTTPS traffic.
  • Configure the Approved/Blocked lists to allow or block traffic without need for scanning.