Deploy the Default CA Using Group Policy Objects (GPOs) Parent topic

If there is Active Directory network, you can create a Group Policy Object (GPO) on the Active Directory server to deploy the Deep Discovery Web Inspector default CA certificate automatically.


  1. Log in to an Active Directory server using an administrator account.
  2. Select StartAll ProgramsAdministrative ToolsGroup Policy Management.
  3. In the left pane, right-click the domain name, and select Create and Link a GPO Here from the context menu and then input the GPO name.
    For example, ddwi-cert-deploy.
  4. In the right pane, right-click the GPO created in the previous step (example: ddwi-cert-deploy) and select Edit.
  5. In the left panel, expand Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsPublic Key PoliciesTrusted Root Certification Authorities, then right-click in the right panel and select Import.
    The Import Wizard screen opens.
  6. In the Import Wizard screen, click Browse and navigate to the location where the Deep Discovery Web Inspector CA certificate was downloaded.
  7. Use the default option Place all certificates in the following store (Trusted Root Certification Authorities”, and finish the wizard.
    The GPO might not take effect immediately on all client machines. By default, GPO synchronization occurs every 90 to 120 minutes. You can run the gpupdate command on client machines to force synchronization. You can run the gpresult command to check the deployment status.