Configuring Storage Maintenance Parent topic

Storage maintenance settings allow you to control the amount of log data that the system saves.


  1. Go to AdministrationSystem MaintenanceStorage Maintenance.
  2. Specify the log settings.
    • For Delete logs older than, specify the number of days to keep logs.
      The specified value must be between 3 and 366.
    • For Delete logs when the total free disk space is equal to or lower than, specify the disk space threshold (%) for automatic log deletion.
      The threshold value must be between 10 and 50.
      Deep Discovery Web Inspector purges 10% more than the specified percentage.
      Integration with Deep Discovery Director for Virtual Analyzer image deployment requires additional disk space. After registering Deep Discovery Web Inspector to Deep Discovery Director, configure Deep Discovery Web Inspector to delete logs when the total free disk space is less than 20%.
  3. Click Save.