Connecting to Deep Discovery Director Parent topic

Connection to Deep Discovery Director is not possible if Deep Discovery Inspector is already connected to Trend Vision One.
The following procedure is for registering to Deep Discovery Director. If you have already registered and want to change the connection settings, you must first unregister.
Deep Discovery Director cloud version is integrated with Trend Vision One. View the connection status at AdministrationIntegrated Products/ServicesTrend Vision One.


  1. Go to AdministrationIntegrated Products/ServicesDeep Discovery DirectorManagement Server.
  2. Under Connection Settings, type the Server address for Deep Discovery Director.
  3. Under Connection Settings, type Port number for Deep Discovery Director.
  4. Under Connection Settings, type the API key for Deep Discovery Director.
    You can find this information on the Help screen on the management console of Deep Discovery Director.
  5. (Optional) If you have configured proxy settings for Deep Discovery Inspector and want to use these settings for Deep Discovery Director connections, select Use the system proxy settings.
    This setting can be changed after registering to Deep Discovery Director.
    To update this setting without unregistering from Deep Discovery Director, click Update Settings.
  6. Click Register.
    The Status changes to Registered | Connected.
    If the Deep Discovery Director fingerprint changes, the connection is interrupted and the Trust button appears. To restore the connection, verify that the Deep Discovery Director fingerprint is valid and then click Trust.
    After the registration process is complete, the Test Connection button appears. You can click Test Connection to test the connection to Deep Discovery Director.
    To register to Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics as a Service (DDD - NAaaS), see the Deep Discovery Director documentation.
    Deep Discovery Inspector cannot register to both DDD - NAaaS and Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics (DDD - NA) at the same time. If Deep Discovery Inspector is registered to DDD - NA and you want to register DDD - NAaaS, then you must first unregister DDD - NA.
    When Deep Discovery Inspector is registered to DDD - NAaaS, the information of DDD - NAaaS appears on the Management Server tab.