Threat Detection Notifications Parent topic

Deep Discovery Inspector can send notifications when detections reach the specified threshold. Threat Detection notifications specify the number of detections for each threat type.


  1. Go to AdministrationNotificationsNotification SettingsThreat Detections.
  2. Select Notify Administrator if number of threat detections for:.
  3. Specify the threshold for outbound and inbound traffic.
    • Outbound traffic: Detections from monitored networks
    • Inbound traffic: Detections from outside the network
  4. Select the types of threats to detect.
  5. (Optional) Configure the notification recipients.
  6. (Optional) Modify the default subject and message body.
    • The message subject cannot exceed 256 characters.
    • The message body cannot exceed 4,096 characters.
    You can use any of the following message tokens when customizing the notification.
    Message Token
    End of message token loop
    Detection count
    Direction of network traffic
    Detection type
    Detection threshold
    Start of message token loop
    Notification date and time
    The following tokens repeat as needed inside message token loops:
  7. Click Save.